Sunday, May 4, 2008

Isabella's Confirmation

Isabella had her First Communion on Sunday and we enjoyed being a part of her special day. It is hard to believe the last time I came was for her Baptism. Congratulations Isabella! After church, everyone came back to Isabella's for a family gathering. It was great to see all of Isabella's family and for them to meet Wes and Ella. As you see in the below picture, Wes played the guitar while Isabella sang and the littles danced.

Later in the day Ella found Grace's Barbie Jeep and quickly figured out how to drive- in a straight line. As you can see Grace was kind enough to ride shotgun. I love this picture because it sort of shows their personalities right now. Ella is sitting, belted in (by herself) and Gracie is the wild one. They swap these roles back and forth, but for the most part, Gracie is our wild child!

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