Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Letter A

Our weekend started on Thursday when Polly arrived from Michigan- we celebrated with dinner at Fleurie. Originally, Polly was arriving mid-afternoon on Thursday but ended up arriving mid-afternoon in Baltimore. I told Ella she had boarded the wrong plane and wouldn't be here until Friday night. Ella then conveyed to her entire class that her Aunt Polly had "gotten on the wrong plane- can you BELIEVE that?". I then had to explain the situation to her teachers. So on Friday I dropped Ella off at school and filled out the appropriate paperwork for Polly to pick her up but added that they should not tell Ella about this in case of another mix up. Ella was very pleasantly surprised when Polly showed up at school. Here they are leaving for the weekend:

Hmmm... what is that blue bag? Well,... it is the class Bear that was coming home with us for the weekend. We were the first to have him spend the weekend with us. This, of course, includes a write-up in his journal of our weekend and a list of "A" words we found with Bear. Need I remind everyone that this school stuff is so new to me that I was lost after apple? Thank you Polly for your amazing abilities with the letter A. I should also thank Ella's teacher for reminding me Polly was coming in on an airplane. Thank God for great teachers and aunts. They make us less-than-great mothers look good.

Polly brought Ella a tea set, a princess dress, and amazing goodies for their party. A dress for Bear materialized out of nowhere (again, thank you Polly!). She even cut an apple in half and showed us how it can be a stamp of a star- and then packaged the apple stamp so it could go back to school with Bear. Polly- you are amazing (see, I can get the hang of this a stuff). Here they are at their party:

That night Wes missed out on going to Mas but he, Grandpa Bill, and Ella had their own party (and another tea party) at home. Polly and I went to the spa and then dinner with Steve and somehow made it home after midnight (when was the last time I did that?). The next morning, Ella fed Bear:

On Saturday we had friends over Steve's house to celebrate the completion of the addition to Terrell Road that my Mom started before she was diagnosed with cancer. She saw the groundbreaking but that was all so it was a bitter sweet day. It was also her birthday. Our friend Mary sent sunflowers to add sunshine for the day. When I told Ella, she said, "how sweet" without even realizing how appropriate that is (not to mention a good use of the letter S, huh?). Here is a picture of the addition (notice the adirondack chair):

The day was beautiful- so nice to see old and new friends. We had a sleepover that night and the next morning Steve and Ella fed Bear...

Bear also had his picture taken at the airport (see, I'm a quick study) and then at the golf course. Both Wes and Ella taught Bear how to play golf. There were no As to be found here, but since it is such a big part of our lives, we had to include Bear too.

And finally, everyone fell asleep...

I have copies of Bear's journal entry if anyone would like to learn more about the letter A.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tennis anyone?

That 's right, I finally gave in and signed Ella up for tennis. I was a bit nervous about how this would go- is it competitive at this age? It seemed a bit when I called about lessons, but I was completely wrong. It was all fun and I really enjoyed meeting the other moms and Ella enjoyed actually making contact with the ball (that might have actually happened twice). She also wants to play basketball (is that even possible at this age?), soccer, gymnastics, swimming, and of course, ballet. She is too young to understand "over scheduled", but rest assured, Wes and I definitely are not.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Week

Ella's first week was great- for all of us. The week continued with good (read: tear free for both of us) drop offs, fun activities (see picture below of her cookie she made in "cooking class" and I actually handed in her "my favorite things" collage on time. She had fun picking out the pictures and was sad when it stayed at school (understatement, tears were involved). She made a doll of herself and has been singing "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" every day. I love all these fun books and songs she comes home with. I messed up when she offered me a bite of her cookie though- I apparently had too big a bite and it really made for a difficult afternoon (understatement, again tears were involved).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ella's First Day of Preschool

Preschool. Not daycare, not a nanny, not camp, but preschool. Why does this distinction have to be made? I have to admit I didn't even make the distinction until Ella said she was so big that she was going to preschool this year. Well, okay then.

Wes had an early meeting and left while Ella and I were still sleeping. I have to say, once Ella pointed out the preschool thing, I had visions of both of us taking her for her first day, a family breakfast (yea right), matching outfits (just kidding, sort of),... but you get the idea. Or maybe you don't but I am that type of person where everything runs through my mind in June Cleaver perfection before reality sets in. It isn't a bad reality- far from it, but also far from June Cleaver. But I digress. Ella woke up, we had a snack in bed, played a little, Ella picked out her outfit (very different than what I picked out) and we went downstairs to have breakfast. There we found a note from Wes:

So sweet. And yes, since he wasn't here this morning I'm fine with embarrassing him by posting this. So after I read it to Ella she said, "Oh lucky you mom, daddy loves you too”. Isn't that great- I'm the afterthought in her world because daddy loves her first and she is so happy for me to be included.

We arrive at school and I'm a bit worried about how she will be when I leave since this summer there were many days I left her in tears at school, barely making it to my car before I cried as well. But not today. She ran into her class, joined in circle time and proceeded to tell everyone how much she grew last night and how she is now four years old. I quietly left.
And did I mention she also pooped this morning? To the new reader here, this seems inconsequential, but to all you who know the issues we have with that, sing it with me: "Ella is a super duper pooper...."

Thursday, August 13, 2009


July always brings our H2C2 trip (Hawkins, Holland, Campbell, Cueny) and this year we went to Santa Fe. This was a special year because my Dad turned 70 and we celebrated every day! On top of all the great activities, we had this amazing house where we could all hang out outside by the fire and the kids could run around without us having to keep an eye on them all the time. It's hard to say what my favorite thing was, but the balloon ride and the dinner are my top two. With golf, fly fishing, a day at the spa, visiting Taos, Bandelier, downtown Santa Fe, ... it is definitely hard to choose.

I have added a couple pictures below but after checking out Dad & Nancy's blog and Bella's blog, I'm sure you saw what a great trip it was.

The girls with sparklers celebrating the 4th (Thank you Nonna!)

The H2C2 Clan
The littles sleeping together

The littles sleeping with Uncle Mark

Mark fly fishing

Wes' catch

Before take- off

Dad and Bella
Bella "driving" the balloon! Isn't that so fun- Bella lit the burners and guided us above a mountain.

Bath time.

The littles spending time with Poppy.
Ella with Mark and Polly on our last night.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Shannon

Who am I to say no when Ella wanted to sing Happy Birthday to Shannon while jumping on the bed? As Ella pointed out, Aunt Shannon would let her. Ahhhhhh, the age of reasoning. For most of the video she is watching herself in the mirror. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Visit to Creeksedge

This week, Ella and I headed up to the Eastern Shore to see Dad and Nancy and my Grandma. I went into Baltimore for a couple days while Ella lived it up at Creesedge. Among many (many!) fun activities, this was an especially memorable visit because Ella started her trail at Dad and Nancy's. Isabella has had a trail for a while and I just could barely wait for Ella and Grace to start their trails. This entails them being big enough to actually pick out a path and clear it and (drum roll please...) Ella was big enough! Yea for Ella's Trail:

Ella also had her first kayak ride. When I asked her about "rowing" she corrected me to "paddling" .

Ella was lucky to get a lot of time in with her Great Grandma.

A great visit and if I hadn't left my laptop in Baltimore, it would have been a longer one. But Ella was able to meet all my friends at work which was nice.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Mary!

Here is how this came about:

Me: Ella, it's Ms. Mary's Birthday today!

Ella: Can I see her?

Me: (so sad) Not today

Ella: Can we blow out candles for her?

Me: Not today

Ella: Who will sing?

Me: How about you?