Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank You Uncle Mark

Mark is responsible for "Hockey Socks"- ya know- pulling your socks up high OVER your pants. "Hockey Socks" was one of Ella's first words. So this morning when Ella was getting dressed I pulled out her cute socks with the ruffles. Adorable and even better these days... clean.

At this point I'm pretty impressed with myself. There were no struggles over clothes, what she picked out matched, and the socks would be so cute! Can you see where this is going? Ella put on her socks and I folded them over which was met with a "NO, HOCKEY SOCKS!" and her pulling them up as far as possible. Of course this was cute too and I love her independence. I especially love that it reminds me to chill out and have fun (Thank you Uncle Mark!)

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