Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tennis anyone?

That 's right, I finally gave in and signed Ella up for tennis. I was a bit nervous about how this would go- is it competitive at this age? It seemed a bit when I called about lessons, but I was completely wrong. It was all fun and I really enjoyed meeting the other moms and Ella enjoyed actually making contact with the ball (that might have actually happened twice). She also wants to play basketball (is that even possible at this age?), soccer, gymnastics, swimming, and of course, ballet. She is too young to understand "over scheduled", but rest assured, Wes and I definitely are not.


Kiki said...

SO CUTE!! We should play!! Looks like a nice indoor court!! Can you bring slacky non-boars head people there?
She looks adorable and very serious :)

Unknown said...

Ella Everett Lloyd? Too cute.

Nancy said...

Ella looks like a pro out on that court. Maybe she will be the athletic one in the family. Glad to hear she is enjoying it - that's the most important.
Poppy and Nonna