Preschool. Not daycare, not a nanny, not camp, but preschool. Why does this distinction have to be made? I have to admit I didn't even make the distinction until Ella said she was so big that she was going to preschool this year. Well, okay then.
Wes had an early meeting and left while Ella and I were still sleeping. I have to say, once Ella pointed out the preschool thing, I had visions of both of us taking her for her first day, a family breakfast (yea right), matching outfits (just kidding, sort of),... but you get the idea. Or maybe you don't but I am that type of person where everything runs through my mind in June Cleaver perfection before reality sets in. It isn't a bad reality- far from it, but also far from June Cleaver. But I digress. Ella woke up, we had a snack in bed, played a little, Ella picked out her outfit (very different than what I picked out) and we went downstairs to have breakfast. There we found a note from Wes:

We arrive at school and I'm a bit worried about how she will be when I leave since this summer there were many days I left her in tears at school, barely making it to my car before I cried as well. But not today. She ran into her class, joined in circle time and proceeded to tell everyone how much she grew last night and how she is now four years old. I quietly left.
And did I mention she also pooped this morning? To the new reader here, this seems inconsequential, but to all you who know the issues we have with that, sing it with me: "Ella is a super duper pooper...."
yay Ella!! Where do you have her in preschool??
I love the note from wes :) too cute (I'm sure he is cringing that it's on here... but I love it!!)
Hi Ella,
What a busy summer you've had! We are so excited you have started preschool - what a big girl you are. Have fun.
Poppy and Nonna
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