Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Summary

Thank you for checking in on us even though we disappeared for a bit. At least my last post was a great memory to revisit. Somehow I just haven't been feeling the blogging bug lately. I'd elaborate, but this isn't the "Life of Sara" blog so I'll spare you the details. Moving on....

Since the last post, Ella had her dance recital:

So sweet. What could be better than a bunch of little girls in tutus!

We had a quick trip to Georgia when our Aunt Clifford passed away. She lived an amazing life and we all agreed to be able to live in your own home until age 94 when she passed was a life to be celebrated. Polly and Mark flew in and out in the same day and we were there for only one day- but a life like Clifford's could not be remembered without us all together. Thank you to all who remembered her with us.

Our summer has been filled with lots of family fun. We have had many great dinners with GPS:

And Grandma has been by many times to tuck Ella in at night- even if it means she too is "tucked in" with Ella:

Grandpa Bill visited and how could I not post this:
Aunt Jodi, Selma, and Kemper are visiting from Africa and Ella is loving being "big" with them:
Ella had her Little Gym recital:

Here's a big one: Ella went to the dentist for the first time and she has no cavities! I'm not really sure how that happened because our tooth brushing of late is one big fight but I guess we're fighting the good fight, so to speak. Of course the whole pacifier issue came up but, well, let's just chalk that up to parental survival at this point.

And... (drum roll please)... Ella started Summer Camp. Wow! This was a huge transition for me and it seemed an easy one for Ella and Wes. I worried over every little detail for absolutely no reason at all. Ella had fun swimming, playing, and making art projects that are beyond me. Routine-wise, it was a big change for us because now Ella has breakfast at home, gets sunscreen on, and wears her bathing suit to school. After swimming they change into clothes and continue their day. I was worried this would all throw Ella for a loop but no, apparently I'm the only anxious one in the family (of course all of you know that; however, I'll continue in blissful denial). Wes can do drop off without tears but I just haven't mastered that art yet. Ella cries, I cry, I call Wes, I call Polly... I'm a disaster really. I think at this point they have both stopped answering their phone between 8 and 9 am. Of course when I pick her up she doesn't want to leave. Here is Ella on her first day of camp:

That catches us up through the end of June. Hopefully soon I'll get July posted because it was a great month for Ella! But just in case I don't get to it as soon as I would like, please visit http://lifewiththecuenys.blogspot.com/ and http://musingsfromcreeksedge.blogspot.com/ to read about our vacation to Santa Fe.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

looks like you're having a wonderful summer, Ella...and Sara you totally crack me up!!!!