Sleeping: Ella is back to sleeping through the night. Many thanks to everyone who called and offered support and suggestions. And Judy- thank you so much for your post. I have directed a couple friends to your wise wise words. You should consider a new career here in consulting sleep deprived, tired, frustrated mothers.
Christmas: We had a great Christmas with Bill and Rhonda here. Lots of playing, eating, drinking and just a really good time. We also visited my Dad and Nancy's in Rock Hall. We made it in time to see my Aunt Margo and Uncle Jeff (visiting from California) along with their daughter Heather. Heather is a professional dancer (currently finishing up college in London!) so Ella dressed for her appropriately and Heather was kind enough to teach her a few moves.

New Year's: Wes and I went out for dinner while Ella and Grandma had fun. Thank you Grandma! If you look closely in the second picture, that is Robbie sleeping with Ella. It was also our sixth anniversary so it was a great night. Unfortunately it was followed by me being sick in bed for three days so that brought a quick end to our holiday.

And finally, a picture of Ella as she was leaving for school today. I had her clothes from this summer out to get her bathing suits for our trip in February and Ella grabbed this dress and has a fit if she can't wear it. I forgot to hide it when she was sleeping last night so here it is again... My only saving grace is, 1.) I wrangled a shirt underneath the dress and, 2.) she absolutely had to wear her new favorite boots. So off she went with a note to her teacher to please add leg warmers if they went outside. And of course her duck hat and scarf. So really, this is a Karen/Robbie outfit if I ever saw one!
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