Well, I have a couple things to discuss here. This weekend we were talking with Steve about Isabella and Grace and especially about how wild Grace is and how much Ella is like Isabella. We were telling stories, laughing, and out of nowhere Wes says, "Well, Aunt Polly is on my s^&$ list." WHAT? How dare you Wes! Of course he was joking but I was a bit ready to reach across the table and shake him for saying such a thing! It turns out Wes has a bit of an issue with Polly Pockets.
A little background: Polly wanted to get Ella her first Polly Pockets (only fitting, right?) and Ella LOVES them. She has a cruise ship for them, a Mini ("Just like Stevie's") and some even sleep with her. She and Caroline play with them a lot. Wes' issue is with the shoes. They are hard to get on but come off easily and get lost even easier. Ella gets a little (understatement) frustrated and Wes gets a little (even bigger understatement) frustrated. So Wes is not feeling the love for Polly Pockets like the rest of the family. Me, on the other hand, I am ecstatic for something Ella plays with on her own.
Issue #2: When Gracie was little Polly would go to the Starbucks drive-through and get a mocha. As soon as Gracie could, she said, "I want a mocha!" (This means chocolate milk in a coffee cup to her). She taught Ella this fine trick. So tonight after dance class Ella was pretty upset at leaving Sami and in the car after calming down, she said, "I just want to get a mocha with Sami!". Then we passed Starbucks (no drive through here in C-Ville though) and she screams (screams!), "There, there's my mocha! I want a mocha with Sami NOW!". I completely caved and we got mochas for the ride home. And just to top off her sassy quotient for the day (and test my breaking point for the day) Ella refused to drink it until she was in the car. Wow- an entire new level of being spoiled. It just wasn't the fight I was up for for today. Probably because I knew I had the "time for bed" fight ahead of me I'd have to save myself for.
So Polly, I have to say, you come into play a lot, more than you know. For being so far away you are a huge part of our day-to-day world. Thank you (and Mark, Isabella, and Grace) for all your calls and skyping to keep in contact with Ella. She doesn't even realize you are far away.