Being a parent can really make you realize you can not plan everything. And we all know I love a plan. It wasn't until late in life I learned what the saying "The best-laid plans..." actually means. Having Ella brings it home weekly, if not daily.
Tonight was one of those nights. As you all know, Wes is the lucky current pneumonia recipient in our house. We were hoping to carve pumpkins Saturday night but we felt too tired/rotten. Sunday was worse, Monday not even an option, Tuesday we were feeling better but Wes was still rotten. I was beginning to reason that Ella won't remember this anyway (love that one, huh?). Finally tonight we felt like we could (maybe) pull it off- with the help of Steve.
Okay then, here we go... I had the pumpkins, chili in the crock-pot, and of course wine. Picture perfect if you ask me. I walk into the family room and Ella is asleep on the sofa. Are you kidding me? She has never, (let me repeat that), NEVER fallen asleep on the sofa. I am caught between the bliss of a bit of quiet in the house and the disappointment of, well, the best laid plans....
So we carved pumpkins...

And Ella slept...
Steve and I finished the little ones:

The heart is for B, a friend of ours from MCC (Medical Center Computing- which is now HSCS but to most who read this blog it will always be MCC). The other is clearly for Ella. This is her pumpkin she picked in Rock Hall. Thanks Poppy and Nonna!
And Ella slept...

We had dinner, Wes finished his pumpkin (can you believe he carved that cat?!), and then Ella woke up. We still had one pumpkin left. Could it be my plan is actually going to work out? Of course not- she wanted nothing to do with a pumpkin. Oh well, at least she had the option. Thank you Wes for cleaning out the pumpkin and Stevie for carving the picture I wanted- a happy, smiling, pumpkin. Yea! And so here we all are smiling with our masterpieces:

After cleaning up Ella joined me in sorting through the seeds to clean them for baking. I'm beginning to think the "often go awry" portion of that quote may just be the best part (or to be official: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”) Amazing what you can learn from a two-year old.
And finally, a video of Ella wishing everyone a Happy Halloween:
1 comment:
Sarah... We have enjoyed Ella's blog so much you have inspired me to start one of our own.
You have set the bar high, hope I can do half as well.
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