I figured I'd give mom a break tonight and tell all of you about my day at the hospital. I'm dictating this to my Dad. It really was a long and busy day but thank goodness scrubs and crocs are so comfortable! They really help me stay relaxed in pressure situations.

Of course, that's more than I can say for the residents. I don't know if it's just me, but the residents today can't even show up on time for rounds. How irritating. This is me waiting for them. Ugh! Kids these days.

And then of course when you're trying to do something else you get paged! Thank goodness for cell phones, though. This turned out to be no big deal and I handled it completely over the phone. Can you say rock star?

Sometimes it's hard to find a nurse and so I have to take vitals. I don't mind so much, though. I have 2 aunts, 1 uncle, and my Nonna who are nurses so I know they can't be everywhere at once.

I find I really like to take some time and do a thorough examination. There really isn't any substitute for a good exam. You can catch a lot of things and don't necessarily need all those expensive tests - if you're good, that is! It looks like Grandpa Steve is going to be just fine.

It does get a little bit tiring explaining the same thing over and over again to family members who don't always understand. This is my patients son and son-in-law. Geez- the one works here so he thinks he knows everything. I had to demonstrate how I did the procedure (yes, that is my case cart I am showing them), so they would quit asking so many questions! It is part of the job, though, so I try to put myself in their shoes.

Sometimes I do like to switch it up and look at the patient from the other side of the bed!

... and sometimes, I'll even sit on the patients bed. That is only for the really special ones- like Grandpa Steve.

I know it looks like I am using my stethoscope on my phone here, but really I'm banging the two together. Seriously, is it too much to ask for decent reception on the floor?

Just one more patient to see and then I can go home for the night.

FREEDOM! I reflect on my day as I head to the parking garage. I plan on putting the windows down and using the softness of my rich leather seats to melt away the stress of my day. It is a lot of hard work but every now and again you get one of those patients that makes you think, "yeah, that's why I do this." Grandpa Steve was just that patient for me tonight. He'll spend the night though so I can keep an eye on him.
Oh- two more pictures before I go. This is Dr. DiMarco and me hamming it up for one of our patients. Always good to make them laugh. I let Dr. DiMarco scrub in for Grandpa Steve's procedure today. I know- sooooo crazy since I'm such a veteran, but he didn't have anything going on today.

Wow! What a blog. I'm calling Dr. Ella if I ever get sick. She's my kind of doctor. Congrats to dad for taking such good dictation.
Steve is really lucky to have such a good doctor! Wish the doctors on my floor were so understanding about a nurse's time. Wish the doctors on my floor looked as cute in scrubs as Dr. Ella does:)
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