We're so lucky having our family nearby- there is no need for special trips packed with activities, we all just get together. This weekend was just that. Robbie and I had a great Sunday morning together just hanging out while Barry and Wes golfed. Ella loves the toy they brought. Last night she built something and it seemed to be nothing unusual until this morning when she went over and said, "Good Morning" to it. Hmmmmm... Apparently Mr. Spider spent the night in there. I looked, and there wasn't one, and when I asked her where the spider went she said, "In the picture." Ohhhhh.... the spider from Mandy's picture (Mandy Carroll is an amazing photographer who does our Christmas card every year- here is her website: http://www.mandycarroll.com/). Good to know her imagination is alive and well and that I don't need to go crazy looking for a spider this morning.

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