Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ella Dancing

Sometimes it takes a while for Ella to warm up to her surroundings and new people. Not today. We visited Steve at work and Ella was thrilled! She has started to realize where his office is so when we drove by this morning on the way to school she began yelling, "See Steevie". She was all over the halls, looking into offices, and dancing. She even gave a new friend a hug goodbye. I wish I had brought my camera, but I did get a replay of her current dance moves. I say current because that hand movement is new since we were playing with leaves last week. Tonight when we were doing laundry, she learned a new move but I have yet to get that one on video. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Go Ella, Go Ella...those are some great dance moves. Really like the hands flapping.