Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sleep Update
Last night Ella came to our room only once. Yea! She was so upset when she had to go back to her room and tried to run away but she was crying so much she just fell to the ground. Quite dramatic. So let's all hope tonight is at least the same.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Calling Grandma Judy
Judy, we need your help. I am failing miserably at this sleep thing. I would like it noted, for the record, that we had a good sleep situation going for a while. It is just all out broken. Now that Ella can get out of her bed, she takes full advantage of it. We had been letting her sleep on a cot in our room for a while when she woke up in the middle of the night. With the arrival of her new bed yesterday, we committed ourselves to walking her back to her room all night if it was needed. Well, it was needed and now I'm exhausted and barely thinking straight. At one point I woke up to Ella standing by our bed but when I started to get up she darted back to her bed, and just stood there, as if mocking me. I fell asleep on her floor, in the hall, and on the sofa. She fell asleep with that crazy kid radar that knows when you are slinking out of their room.
In all the spare time I had last night, I began composing a letter to apply to be on The Super Nanny but then I realized one child and two parents would hardly bring in the ratings for them. So I did what I really do well, I complained to Polly who pointed out you always know what to do. So here I am begging you, pleading really with red eyes and bed head that I can't get rid of because I'm too tired to stand in the shower. Really- this is worse than a newborn. Sure you are up all night with them also, but at (usually) dependable increments. Or maybe time has blurred reality, or maybe I'm just so tired and close to tears that I don't know what I am talking about but I desperately need your help. Any suggestions?
In all the spare time I had last night, I began composing a letter to apply to be on The Super Nanny but then I realized one child and two parents would hardly bring in the ratings for them. So I did what I really do well, I complained to Polly who pointed out you always know what to do. So here I am begging you, pleading really with red eyes and bed head that I can't get rid of because I'm too tired to stand in the shower. Really- this is worse than a newborn. Sure you are up all night with them also, but at (usually) dependable increments. Or maybe time has blurred reality, or maybe I'm just so tired and close to tears that I don't know what I am talking about but I desperately need your help. Any suggestions?
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Class

Ella moved up to the Three/Four class today and as you can see picked her own outfit for the occasion. I was nervous but she was excited. As is usually the case, it didn't phase her at all. There was no crying at drop-off and when I picked her up she was full of stories of her day and artwork to share. My favorite was her Christmas wish. Her teachers asked her what she wanted and she answered a baby and a new doctor's kit. Funny she realizes she has many doctor's kits, hence needing a "new" one but the seven plus babies we have didn't register with her.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Third Birthday Sweetheart
Ella, weren't you just crawling? Weren't you just snuggling in the crook of you Daddy's neck? I thought just yesterday I was watching you sleep in your bassinet. Not so. You are a big girl now, big enough to have your own bed, big enough to dress yourself, big enough to write your name (your version of your name of course). I still watch you sleep for a bit every night and kiss your sweet face before saying goodnight. And although today you told me, in no uncertain terms, that you are a big girl now, you will always be my baby.
Of all the memories of the year leading up to your third birthday, I want you to remember our song the most, "For Baby" sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary:
I'll walk in the rain by your side
I'll cling to the warmth of your tiny hand
I'll do anything to help you understand
I'll love you more than anybody can
And the wind will whisper your name to me
Little birds will sing along in time
The leaves will bow down as you walk by
And morning bells will chime
I'll be there when you're feeling down
To kiss away the tears if you cry
And I'll share with you all the happiness I've found
A reflection of the love in your eyes
And I'll sing you the songs of the rainbow
Whisper of the joy that is mine
The leaves will bow down when you walk by
And morning bells will chime
Of all the memories of the year leading up to your third birthday, I want you to remember our song the most, "For Baby" sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary:
I'll walk in the rain by your side
I'll cling to the warmth of your tiny hand
I'll do anything to help you understand
I'll love you more than anybody can
And the wind will whisper your name to me
Little birds will sing along in time
The leaves will bow down as you walk by
And morning bells will chime
I'll be there when you're feeling down
To kiss away the tears if you cry
And I'll share with you all the happiness I've found
A reflection of the love in your eyes
And I'll sing you the songs of the rainbow
Whisper of the joy that is mine
The leaves will bow down when you walk by
And morning bells will chime
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Ella
Hmmmm, does it feel like I'm duplicating posts? Definitely not the case- we had two parties for Ella this year! Lucky lucky Ella. On Saturday we had Grandma Robbie, Grandpa Barry, Alex, Aunt Shannon and Uncle Mitch, Mary and GPS over to celebrate Ella's birthday! Yea Ella! And again, I open with a picture of Ella's cake because not only is it amazing, it was made by Grandma Robbie! Ella- you are one lucky girl to have such talented Grandmothers!

Ella opening presents and blowing out three candles:

The rest of the afternoon was spent swatting at an Elmo pinata and watching Elmo (Barry- I think you you got the most Elmo in today). Thank you everyone for sharing Ella's special day.

Here is Grandma and Mary watching Ella dance:
Ella opening presents and blowing out three candles:
The rest of the afternoon was spent swatting at an Elmo pinata and watching Elmo (Barry- I think you you got the most Elmo in today). Thank you everyone for sharing Ella's special day.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Ella!
Poppy and Nonna visited for Ella's Birthday this week and what a visit it was! Nonna made Ella's princess cake and thank goodness because this type of marvel is not something I could create. Not only does it look good- it tastes great too!
Nonna and Ella also made gingerbread cookies. Nonna did all the work and Ella ate a lot. When Nancy asked her what the gingerbread man needed I loved it when Ella said, "A Belly". Here they are making the cookies:
We also spent some time relaxing:
On Friday we went downtown and I mentioned a picture I have been "visiting" at a local gallery. My Dad, Ella and Nancy went in to see it and came out with it. Thank you so much Dad and Nancy. I have loved this picture for so long and I am so happy to have it in my home now. Here is a copy from the artist's (Raymond Chow) website (

And here is a picture of where it is in our house. We call it "Ella in Avon" and last night Ella said, "Goodnight Ella in Avon" when we passed it on our way to bed. This picture doesn't do it justice, so check out the website.
Here are some more pictures from Ella's Birthday celebration:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Where's Uncle Matt?
Today I took Ella to get her passport picture taken. She was great, stellar actually because it took a couple shots to get it right. I should have thought this through better, because I said we needed her picture so she could see Uncle Matt. Therefore, I was stumped for an answer when after the picture was taken she asked the picture lady, "Can you take me to Uncle Matt now?". I tried to explain the process to Ella but there is no way to explain that to a two year old. We moved on to our next errand to which Ella asked, "Do I get to see Uncle Matt?". Crap! Why did I not think this through? So after yet again an unsuccessful explanation, I took Ella to school for Tumblebus. It didn't end there.
Wes picked Ella up and said Ella asked if she could see Uncle Matt. Usually this means we get out pictures of Uncle Matt with baby Ella, little Ella, and beach Ella. She wasn't having it. So Uncle Matt, perhaps your ears have been ringing because Ella is very much looking forward to seeing you.
And Polly- I remember when Isabella was little and I would be coming out to see you and you wouldn't tell her. It would kill me, I just wanted to be excited with her. You always said you waited until the very end because time is difficult for kids to understand. You are such a good Mom.
Wes picked Ella up and said Ella asked if she could see Uncle Matt. Usually this means we get out pictures of Uncle Matt with baby Ella, little Ella, and beach Ella. She wasn't having it. So Uncle Matt, perhaps your ears have been ringing because Ella is very much looking forward to seeing you.
And Polly- I remember when Isabella was little and I would be coming out to see you and you wouldn't tell her. It would kill me, I just wanted to be excited with her. You always said you waited until the very end because time is difficult for kids to understand. You are such a good Mom.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Poppy
For Ella, Poppy turning 70 means a cake and balloons. I'd like to say those items would be for him, but Ella would assume they were for her. What can I say, she is three and I'm going to let her continue for a while believing it is all about her.
However, Ella, take note. When you are my age and your Dad is turning 70, you should know how much fun it would be to celebrate by surprising him. That is just what your Aunt Polly and I did this weekend. Coordinate with me sweetie, and we'll figure out a great weekend just like your Nonna did with us.
For example, surprise him at a restaurant where everyone is in on the surprise but him:
Go to breakfast the next morning, followed by a great museum. We went to The Baltimore Museum of Art. The Cone Collection was being displayed which included 500 works of art by Matisse. Even more impressive is they were collected by two Baltimore sisters. Wow! We also enjoyed the works of Franz West. Here we are enjoying two of his sculptures:
Hmmm... what does The Thinker think of Poppy turning seventy?
We followed that with watching TubaChristmas at the Inner Harbor. Wow! here is a picture of Poppy marching with the tubas:
Dinner that evening was at Woodberry Kitchen. Wonderful! And finally, we had yet another great breakfast Sunday morning and then all headed home to recuperate. I think it is a safe bet to assume that two days later we are all still recuperating! Thank you for sharing your Birthday Dad!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Where is Aaron?
Randi and Aaron came over for dinner last night and Ella was smitten. We all know how much she (and us) love Randi. And really, who doesn't! But Aaron layered on a whole new factor to Randi Cool. Here is how our conversation went this morning:
Ella: Where's Aaron?
Me: Probably at class (he is pursuing a PhD in economics at UVa).
Ella: Why?
Me: Because he is smart
Ella: I'm smart
Me: Yes you are
Ella: I'm going to class with Aaron
Me: Excellent, why not start with wearing your your UVa shirt?
Ella: No, I want a shaky skirt. Where's Randi?
Me: Probably working too
Ella: Is she working with Aaron?
Me: I don't know
Ella: Where's Aaron?
Me: probably at class...
We had a great time at dinner and Aaron and Randi were so kind to watch Ella perform her favorite dance moves and songs. When did we become the parents who had their kids perform after dinner? Apparently last night.
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