Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving in Georgia

This Thanksgiving we traveled to North Georgia and stayed in the mountains. It was beautiful and we were lucky to be surrounded by family for this visit to Rabun Gap. Ella, this is home for the Ritchie side of your family and you will always have family here.

A few highlights of our trip for you to remember my dear:

We caravaned with Uncle Scott, Aunt Jodi, GPS, Selma and Kemper. Thank you Selma and Kemper for keeping Ella occupied for ten (!!) hours... twice. GPS, Scott and Jodi had one car and we were in the other (more fun) car. Selma DJ'd and Kemper found the patience to answer you every single time you asked him to look at your funny face.

We had many electronics going- Ella watched movies on her IPod Touch while S&K played on their DS.

Eventually, we stopped at the peachoid in Gaffney to run around. Wes and I had both passed this thing many many times when we were little and this is the first time he ever stopped to explore.

We stayed at Glen Ella Springs Inn and it couldn't have fit us better. Francis & Myron and Jinny & Bill also stayed in the same chalet as us. On Thanksgiving morning we went for a hike at Tallulah Falls:

And it is only fair to document that Gracie also took advantage of what we now call the Port-a-Volvo. Even with our third-row-seats up there was room for some classic reading:

Moving on to Thanksgiving... We had Thanksgiving Dinner at Glen-Ella Inn and it was fabulous! The weather was nice enough to explore the inn and play football. We also relaxed and played games. The last picture is of Steve and Ella rocking on the porch. Ella was having a particularly difficult time and as soon as she crawled into Steve's lap she was calm. Thank you GPS!

At our Chalet, there were six suites with two common areas where we all congregated at night. Ella was very lucky to get to sleep with either Wes, me, or Aunt Jodi:

And finally, a couple pictures from The Dillard House. The Dillards are also your relatives Ella, but a bit back in the line.

I think this picture of Ella and Gracie is so funny not only because Grace's dress is a size smaller, but I'm guessing, if her personality holds true, she would prefer it that way.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, we are thankful for our friends and family and especially to everyone who made this trip special for us all.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wearing Pajamas to the Library

Tonight we went to story time at the library. The fun part for Ella is she can wear her pajamas. Our neighbors have gone before but we haven't and so tonight we all bundled up and headed out in the rain for a nice evening at the library. I thought Ella would not want to separate from Wes and I (yes, I made Wes go too) but as soon as we arrived and the quilt was spread out for the kids she ran right over and claimed her spot. I'm sure many of you know that moment when you are glad your child is being independent but a little sad for the very same reason. So Caroline and Ella enjoyed songs and books and Amy, Benton, Wes and I sat back and, well... enjoyed songs and books also.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Robbbyrda's Dog Godfrey

This is my friend Robbbyrda being not only a fabulous mom to Godfrey, but such a great friend to Ella (and me). She was letting Ella "walk" Godfrey. Keep in mind Godfrey weighs more than Ella and Robbbyrda together so that is some trust going on there- between them all! This picture is from a dog park here in Charlottesville. It was like a playground with pets. All the parents know each other by their kids (for example, Robbbyrda is "Godfrey's Mom", not Robbbyrda, not Gary's wife, not a Director at UVa, but known for Godfrey. Nice! These pictures don't do him justice, but Godfrey is so sweet, so lovable, and huge! When we left Ella said Godfrey could come over and sleep with her in her bed. With that suggestion I was wondering what it would take to make that happen since this is the first time I've heard Ella talk about sleeping AT ALL in her bed. So I said, "Maybe for your Birthday" to which she replied, "Well, I need a new bed first". And again- if that is what it takes...

After visiting we did our usual grocery shopping and then headed home for a nap. Wes made it home from golf early so it was a nice Sunday afternoon with everyone home. I even had some time to clean out Ella's closet. I can't believe I am packing away all her size two clothes and cute little sandals. I know you all told me it would go by so fast but seriously, this just doesn't seem fair. Ella's favorite activity lately is "reading" to her animals. Here's a quick video of her "reading":

And here are picture of her reading to Private Humpback (sent from Iraq). Oddly enough, while Ella was reading to him, the phone rang and it was Matt calling. Ella is too little to understand the importance of that but as soon as I heard his voice I was so happy. Thank you for calling Matt!

And no, it is not unusually warm for November here. As I have been putting away Ella's clothes, she finds them and puts her favorites back on.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Mitch!

Thank you to Mitch's parents and Shannon for including us in dinner out to celebrate Mitch's Birthday. On the way home I said to Ella, isn't it so fun to see your family? And Ella replied, "Family makes me happy, I love Uncle Mitch." You can see it in this picture! Of course Ella thought it was her Birthday too and I also want to thank everyone for all her gifts. You really know how to make a girl feel special (and her Mom be able to have a nice meal!). So here are some pictures of the gang:

Mitch's parents, Fran and Jim. In the summer, the menu would be their FAMOUS barbecue and homemade ice cream. For tonight, they picked Bonefish Grill.

It is hard to make out everyone here, but on the end is Jeff, Mitch's brother, and Brooke, his girlfriend. I know Jim and Fran are proud of their wonderful boys but I am touched also by how much they admire and care for Shannon and Brooke.


Grandpa Barry and Alex made it too. This is football season for Alex so we were lucky to see him on a night off.

Ella and Shannon (Ella's latest 'Shannonism' is she wants a canopy bed just like Shannon did).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Being put in my place by a two year old

Ella: Why are we going to the store?
Me: Because I forgot to get sugar
Ella: Why do we need sugar?
Me: Because I need coffee
Ella: Why do you need coffee?
Me: Because I like it
Ella: Why do you like it?
Me: Because I have an addiction
Ella: What's an addiction?
Me: A bad habit
Ella: You need a time out
Me: Why?
Ella: Stop talking while you're driving

Okay then- let's just call a spade a spade. In a matter of minutes I feel like a drug dealer because I realize I'm addicted to coffee. There are worse things. It's just that these questions are coming at record speed these days and I probably am just entertaining myself with such ridiculous answers. Seriously- why can't I just be a grown up and say something along the lines of, "for the same reasons you want juice, I like it"? But I don't and Ella is getting quick enough to put me in my place which is funny. Whether she realizes it or not- she is pretty funny these days.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mandy Carroll Photography

Every year at this time we have pictures taken by Mandy Carroll. Mandy is a local photographer with an amazing eye and artistic flair. I find myself each year looking forward to the fall not only because it is a beautiful time, but also because we get to spend a couple hours with Mandy chasing Ella around and capturing all that spirit. After every session I think to myself there is no way we got a good picture. And every time I am delighted by the faces and feelings she has captured. Amazing! She posts a sneak peek on her blog so visit her page ( and click on "blog" to see a couple pictures of Ella just in time for her Third (!!!) Birthday.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Africa

This weekend we went up to DC for Scott, Jodi, Selma, and Kemper's going away party. And not just any party- a party filled with 168 friends! Scott and Jodi are packing up and expect to be in Africa in the next couple of weeks.

This is their second post (first to Nairobi) and they will be in Dakar, Senegal. Of all the times to forget my camera, this was the one so I don't have any pictures, but there were many friends, great food, and some sad goodbyes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ba-ROCK the vote!

We have been singing our own version of "Rock the Boat" today, "BaROCK the vote baby..." Ella is very good at it. Here she is sharing her voting choices today:

Ella's Voting Ballot

We had our own version of voting at our house. It took a couple times for Ella to get the idea, but it was funny if nothing else. This is her ballot. Most often she circled Elmo and Abby Cadabby.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Life from Michigan

I am constantly bugging my sister about sending me pictures. I try not to because I know she is extremely busy, but I can't help it- I want to see everything everyone is doing. I want the daily blow-by-blow that I bore everyone with here. And while it is a good portion because of Isabella and Grace, I also want to know about Polly and Mark and Mark's family.

There was a time when Polly had graduated and was working in NJ while Mark and I were finishing up school (of course Mark was finishing his Masters and I was, well, trying to make it to class periodically) at Michigan State. Mark took me to all his family get-togethers and I really felt a part of the family- I still do. What am I then, their sister-in-law twice removed? I hope so.

Where am I going with this? Well, thanks to Mark's Mom and Dave, I feel a little bit closer to them already with their new blog. I get to feel a part of their life, as if I'm sitting down to dinner with them and they are telling me about their day. Thank you so much! Dave- I remember when you took me on a tour of the Chrysler headquarters and took me to all the secret places to see the cool cars being built and smashed and prototyped. It was amazing! And Judy- you'll never know how much of a hand you have had in Ella- your advice sent to me through Polly. So even without the blog you are a part of my life but I am so grateful to read about Life From Michigan!

ps- click on this post title or here:


Hmmmmmm.... there are no golf clubs in this picture. Amazing. Seriously though- Sunday afternoon Wes and Ella went out for a walk and after a while I heard Ella laughing. I looked outside and saw the two of them playing soccer. Ella was ecstatic! We played again today and she loves it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grampa's Visit

On Saturday Grandpa Bill came and he and Wes were able to get a round of golf in- the weather was beautiful. Ella and I picked out a cake and balloons for a "party". We've had a lot of birthdays lately and somewhere along the line family visiting has become a reason to get balloons and cake. Not a bad idea really so I went along with it.

Before dinner Ella put Grandpa to bed and then turned it around so he put her to bed and when she woke up, she instructed everyone to bring her coffee. I am the lucky recipient of coffee in bed every day (thank you Wes!) so it was easy to see where she got this idea from. I promise I don't instruct Wes to bring it to me, it's a matter of survival on his part since I'm so nasty in the morning. Anyway, this is just another reminder to watch what I say and do around her.

And lucky Ella had her bedtime stories read by Grandpa:

The next day we had breakfast out (Thank you Grandpa!) before Bill had to head back to DC. This picture is from Sunday and as gorgeous as the subjects are, aren't those trees amazing too!