Welcome to Golf by Ella. That's right ladies and gentleman, you too can own the golf course just like me. Here are a few tips...

First and foremost, have someone escort you in style to the golf course. My ride of choice is the stroller. Room just for me, two cup holders, and three golf clubs. Mine is a convertible. Uh-huh, ride in style is my motto.

We're lucky to live within walking distance of this club. I'd recommend it. If I really get wound up late afternoon, I can put money on the fact that when my Dad gets home my Mom will want to get out. That's when I pull out my clubs and look cute and before I know it we're headed over here. This shot shows how beautiful it is here. Wish you were here!

Speaking of mind games,... you always need to remember to play the mind games on the course. It's not just a physical sport people. In this shot, my dad is going for a birdie but do you see how he is watching me walk away out of the side of his eye? I intimidated him and it's all he'll be able to think about while he is trying to get that ball in the hole. Double-click on this picture and you'll see the look on my face better.

Now, I'm not very proud of this shot because, well, yes- I am moving my ball. Here's the thing though- I'm only two so I get some allowances.

And when all else fails, I talk to the ball. Here I am yelling, "GO IN, GO IN!"

And finally, my form. Don't even try to copy it folks, you won't be able to. I learned this all on my own. But do get your own form. If you really need some help with that, give me a call. You can make the check out to Virginia 529 Plan.