Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ella and Grace in the Middle
Here's how this song goes,... Ella, Ella, Ella in the middle, let me see you jump, let me see you wiggle, turn around, and please sit down. Gracie, Gracie, Gracie in the middle.....
Ella Sitting in Grace's Lap
This is funny, especially for me because I often can not get Ella to sit in my lap...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Binky Twirl
We are Family!

Can you hear the song in your head? It is what I hear when I see Isabella, Grace, and Ella running around together. They are so sweet. Here they are running around on Dad and Nancy's tennis courts. Let me tell you- those are wonderful tennis courts. Sure a pick-up game here or there in your own yard is nice (understatement, I'm sure), but a fenced in area for the girls to run around in and I don't have to worry about Ella running away, .... PRICELESS! Can you tell I've been having trouble with Ella running away from me lately? Anyway, let me rewind to catch you up on our trip to Creek's Edge.
The Easter Bunny was very generous. Below are pictures of the morning. The second is of the girls dancing. Notice Ella's tights OVER her pajamas. F-a-s-h-i-o-n queen, baby!
Thank you Nancy for the cute cute Easter outfits. We all made it to church on time and the girls looked adorable. I remember Polly and I dressing alike when we were little and I couldn't wait to dress my own children alike. Thank goodness Polly has the girls so I feel like Ella gets to enjoy that. Maybe when she gets older she won't want to, but for now I get to have fun seeing them all dressed alike.
Mark and I left Monday morning for work but Ella was lucky enough to stay and enjoy everyone. When I returned on Wednesday all was still intact. What a great week!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Girls Dancing
Abigail! The littles are dancing to Abigail in this video. Barry gave Ella Abigail and it has been a favorite of everyone who comes in contact with it, but especially the girls. ..
Friday, March 7, 2008
Ella and I spent a lot of time apart today, measured in corners and a turn in the stairs. She kept saying to me, "Wait Mommy" which I didn't really understand at first. We were walking up the stairs and she held up her hand and said "Wait Mommy". Huh? I continued up the stairs only to be met with a bit of a tantrum. I then obeyed and eventually received the "Okay Mommy, it's your turn now". And the lightbulb went off for me. It's so sweet to see her interpretations of lessons she is learning. It is a good thing we occupied ourselves with this because it was raining pretty hard all day. Ella would run to the window to check and I'd be a little sad to hear, "Still raining".
We did make it out to have lunch with Steve and we were happy to see Ella likes Thai food. When we came home Ella took a long nap and woke up screaming. When I went in to get her Schroedinger ran out of her room and Ella was screaming (and I mean screaming), "NO NO SCHROJO, NOT NICE!!". Then she followed Schro and continued the reprimand. Schro looked nonplussed and ran at the first opportunity. Later we were reading books and Schro wandered over and head butted Ella and Ella loved it. Clearly no grudges here.
One last comment- you can't tell from these pictures, but those are legwarmers Ella has on. Uh huh- fashion always comes full circle!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Potty Time

Monday, March 3, 2008
A (Half) Day in the Life of Ella
At dinner Ella shared her "surprised" and "sad" (maybe dubious is a better description) faces:
Can't you just hear her saying, "What you talking about Willis?" Moving on... bathtime had added excitement by Ella having a duck Lexy wanted: